Friday 23 August 2013

Social Media has taken over however

Social media protester

Social media has taken over no doubt, and yes as people we need to adapt or perish in today’s modern society, I get that, however how many times do we as people hear of breaking news stories such as the Facebook rapist or The Sunday rapist (, issues such as human trafficking or online fraud, this being only in South Africa what more the entire world, and there aren’t any guesses as to what fuels all of those inhumane activities (
Their biggest influencers are digital media and social media I would say, the positives about these phenomenon’s are obvious, but does that mean we should ignore, by turning a blind eye to issues such as these that they too have destructive consequences in society.
In the post before this I had not listed some of them the con’s as the positives are too much to argue, they include identity theft online as a result of social media, people being falsely represented, in corporate management constantly struggling with a decrease in productivity as a result of again, stalkers who put other people’s lives in danger through social media along with cyber bullying which has led to a lot of young people committing suicide.
Are those not real enough issues to see that maybe social media isn’t all that we think it to be, am I the only one who sees things from this point of view; love social media to death don’t get me wrong.
Merely advocating for the other side, share what your thoughts are too.

Thursday 22 August 2013

Social Media for Professionals vs. Social Media for personal usage by ordinary individuals

Social Media enthusiasts texting passionatetly at a textathon U.S Texas

'SM' Social Media 
In my younger days I had a tough time deciding amongst my circle of friends which of them was my “bff” best friends forever, today however with puberty having taken its due course, that dilemma of choice is now left at deciding which Social Media platform I enjoy spending countless amounts of hours on as it has become the only means of social interaction with others outside of my family.
It is referred to as Social Media, however my literal social life has taken a knocking as a result of Social Media, young people and young adults everywhere struggle to remain undistracted by this phenomenon in their majority, not slamming social media what so ever just pointing out the only negative I have come to experience about social media in my professional (being a Public Relations student) and personal (an avid user) relationship with the phenomenon.

Professionally Social Media provides positives in all aspects as it is used as a marketing tool, for interaction between brands and their stakeholders, it helps organisations respond quickly to criticism etc. just some of the many benefits.
For individuals either then keeping people who may be far from one another connected it has somewhat drove those who were close further apart, how often would you witness a group of friends sitting in a group setting but not conversing amongst each other but instead on their cellphones either talking or texting enthusiastically, a common image in today’s society, in a case of parents grounding their teenagers, making no difference unless grounding them along with their cellphones, which is their ultimate instrument in engaging through ‘SM’.

Do we as society find anything wrong with this social crippler or is it something we as human beings just need to get used to.